CEO Thabidu, Hồ Hữu Thái, thaiaiti chia sẻ kiến thức tâm huyết

Không có nhận xét nào - tháng 8 05, 2019 - Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 8, 2019

Symptoms Of Hyperglycemia With Out Diabetes

    Human blood is vital for our body so it is our duty to keep it healthy. Although, we are not doctors but taking a balanced diet is always a key to remain healthy. There are some diseases that could disturb the health of our blood. Some of these diseases are Anemia, Hemophilia, Lymphoma, Blood Transfusion, Excessive Blood Clotting, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), Hyperglycemia, etc.

    Hyperglycemia is a blood disease in which the level of glucose is increased in blood plasma. This word has been derived from the Greek language which means excessive sweet blood. Hyperglycemia is mostly related to diabetes. But, it is always not true. American Diabetes Association has provided a consistent range of 100 to 126 mg/dl for Hyperglycemia, which clearly shows that this value is significantly lower than the value of 126/dl which is given for a diabetic’s patient. A sugar level of 200 mg/dl in the blood is a clear indication of Hyperglycemia (please do not get confused with 100 to 126 mg/dl range, please read carefully that earlier I have used the word consistent). If temporary Hyperglycemia is left untreated, I could lead to diabetes.
    A healthy individual may experience a high level of glucose level in the blood due to the high level of food intake within the first hour, so you can not relate Hyperglycemia with diabetes. In light of the above discussions, we are very comfortable in saying that a patient suffering from Hyperglycemia is not necessarily suffering from Diabetes. The glucose level may increase due to various factors such as pregnancy, infections, severe stress, liver or kidney disease. This surge in glucose/ sugar level is usually temporary and can be restored with some changes in daily routine and diet.

    Symptoms of Hyperglycemia with Out Diabetes

    Whether you are a patient of Hyperglycemia with or without diabetes, the symptoms remain the same.

    ·         Thirst: Patient experiences a lot of thirst and drinks a lot of water minute after minute. Please do not take sweet shakes or juices to mitigate your thirst because this may increase your sugar level as well.

    ·         Urination: In a normal situation, the human need to urinate 4-8 times a day. But the Hyperglycemia patient has to urinate more than that. This is called Frequency in urination

    ·         Dry mouth and Dry Skin

    ·         Urination in the night: Waking up excessively in the night to urinate. In medical terminology, it is called nocturia. Normally, a human can sleep in the night without urinating for 6-8 hours. If you are experiencing more than that, you should check your sugar/ glucose level.

    ·         Fatigue: The patient feels drowsiness or fatigue. The affected person would sleep in abnormal times and in abnormal situations and for a longer period of hours than normal. If you are experiencing like that, consult your doctor as early as possible.

    ·         Loss of weight and Increase/decrease of Appetite: Initially the patient experiences a lot of hunger. But if Hyperglycemia is not treated and left untreated for a longer period of time, the patient loses his/her appetite. As a result, he/she loses his/her weight a lot.

    ·         Slow healing of wounds: When your wounds or sores are taking more than a few weeks to heal, it is a clear the symptom that there is something wrong is going. Hyperglycemia might be the cause.

    Hyperglycemia is a disease which needs proper attention and care and you need to put your best efforts to identify and take proper remedies to defend against this. Otherwise, it may lead to complex diseases such as diabetes.

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